Kids Photography – Teaching Kids At An Early Stage

If you can get a child learning the fundamentals of photography from an early age, imagine what photos they will be creating as an adult? Kids photography is getting popular today because many parents found it very rewarding to see their children doing great pictures. Lay down those foundations now and they will thank you for it later.

I started my photography as an eight year old with my grandfather giving me my first camera and processing my photos in his darkroom. What a feeling of fulfilment when those first images appeared in the developing tray. I had created something. I never looked back. The bug had bitten. I have now been a photographer for over forty years. What a heritage he gave me. You too can give your child that same heritage.

Here's where to start.
1. Encourage
With the age of digital there is no cost when shooting photos so encourage your children to shoot often and regularly. The excitement of getting that great image stimulates the hobby. As the old adage goes, nothing breeds success like success. When they take their first really stunning shot it only encourages them to do it again and again. You will be the reason for their success, so encourage.

2. Experiment
Getting them trying new things and ideas and experimenting. Change angles, get in closer and teach them to use their feet to find new and different viewpoints. This will stimulate their creativity and allow them to explore all their options. Train the mind from an early age to think before pressing the shutter button.

3. Holding the camera
Once they are taking images and having fun start teaching them some of the fundamentals. The first and most basic one is how to hold the camera. It sounds logical to most of us but, if you don't do this bad habits are formed and they become hard to correct as time goes by.

4. Hold the camera straight
Get them watching horizons from an early age. It is essential to learn how to keep a level image. This is fundamental to good photo taking. There is nothing worse than a great image with a crooked horizon or buildings that are slanted.

5. Get in closer
This is the easiest way to improve any photography. Getting in closer focuses on the subject, making it the most important element of the image. It allows you to exclude clutter that shouldn't be in the image.

6. Shoot lots of photos
If they are not taking lots of photos then the possibilities of improving diminish. They need to be shooting lots of images in order to practise. It is only practise that makes perfect. Gary Player, former international champion golfer, says that the harder he practises the luckier he gets. Relying on luck will not make you a photographer but practise will.

7. Learn the basics
There is never a time like the present to learn the fundamentals of photography. Buy a book, do a course or find a mentor. These are all keys to getting your children going in photography. Basic rules like composition, colour and form and texture will help form the foundation for great images.

8. Focal points
Teach them what focal points are and how to place a subject using the rule of thirds. Unless there is a focal point in a photo the images is pointless. These points of interest or subjects should always have prime position in the photo. If they learn these keys early they'll shoot great photos for the rest of their lives.

9. Balance
It is great for a child to have an interest in one type of photography but at an early age it's best to have a general interest in a variety of genres. Specialisation can come at a later stage. Variety is the spice of life so get them shooting everything.

10. Review
Sit with your child and review their images, taking time to compliment and encourage. They need to know what they are doing right first before you point out what is wrong. By reviewing their images on a regular basis they will learn quickly in a comfortable place allowing rapid growth.

There is no better time to start learning that from an early age. That is why kids photography should be try by all parents today. The great masters of art and music all started their professions at a very young age. Today there are books and courses for kids so there is no excuse if you are not a skilled photographer. Let them loose and see what happens.

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